Thursday, December 27, 2018

Nifty View: Update for 28th Dec 2018

Near Term Trend:   (Down)

Market Update: Nifty opened 90 points up at 10800+ levels but couldn't sustain the momentum and after fighting 10800-825 levels throughout the day finally closed at 10780 levels up 50 points. Though it gave up most of the gains it still ended on a positive note. On intraday charts  while Nifty was not successful in crossing its opening high , it did not trade below yesterdays high either. As a result now we have a small gap on intraday chart ( 10750-10765) which Nifty must protect (if it wants to go up). A close below this gap zone and continuous weakness would suggest Nifty down move is about to resume again.

On the weekly charts too Nifty is making a 'hanging man' type of pattern ( which suggest buying and support at lower levels) however we still have tomorrows day left so lets see how it shapes up and how weekly candle is finally formed. Interesting thing to note is that last week Nifty had made ' shooting star' on weekly charts which is exact opposite of 'hanging man'. However taking a trading call merely on candle pattern doesn't wok out but it does show a big fight going on between Bulls and Bears and both are looking to defend their territory at the moment.

Coming back to technical patterns, and charts, few days back, I had pointed out a possibility of Nifty breaking below 10340 in next 3-4 days. That probability is almost over now, what we are seeing is a complex corrective in the process and Nifty might spend some more time in the range before it decides to break free.  Overall charts are telling that Nifty remains in a downtrend ( though it may spend some more time making zig zag moves and consolidation).

Those following Moving Averages, there is one very interesting development happening since last 2 months. 200 DEMA is trading flat since last 2 months. Historically speaking whenever 200 DEMA turns into sloping trend (i.e, start moving downwards) it remain in a downward trend for a long time ( because as the name suggests its an average of 200 days). Last time I noticed a sloping dip on 200 DEMA was way back in 2015 ( around Aug /Sep) and once it turned downwards it remained so till Aug 2016. As a result we did see some correction price wise and time wise and nifty remained weak for almost a year after that happened. Now reason I brought this point up and why 200 DEMA is trading flat is that I believe big market players and bulls are trying their best to support Nifty at lower levels and thus not allowing DEMA to turn down cause they know once it turns down it wont be easy to support Nifty afterwards. 200 DEMA is generally watched by many institution and a downward moving DEMA may not impress  or give confidence to new investors and FIIs to bring more money in India . So right now  bulls are firing on all cylinders to prevent 200DEMA from turning lower question is will it be enough? Just a food for thought.

So in a nutshell, if 200 DEMA turns down  now then the factors supporting market currently might stop doing that ( I say might) as it will be pointless (which would in turn give Bears a free hand). Please note that its just a possibility and merely one factor among many others. I brought this to your knowledge since its important and you should know. this doesn't mean you go and start shorting Nifty left right and center. Trading is a game of possibility and one must weigh all probabilities before choosing the best one. So for now it remains a possibility and we will keep it at back of our head and see how its developing.

Trading recommendations: Part shorts have been exited and we have made decent profit and the balance short which were initiated around 10684 level are still open and is currently in red. I don't recommend going short at CMP. For new shorts one must wait however if someone is long and bullish then he should take an exit at now, wait for market to show more strength and then enter again later.

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

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Nifty View: Update for 27th Dec 2018

Near Term Trend:   (Down)

Market Update: Nifty opened with a gap down of 50 points and crashed to 10540 levels ( down 125 points) and made a sharp recover later to close around 10730 levels ( up 70 points).

As soon as Nifty fell below 10575 levels it went in an oversold zone on the short term basis. There was a likelihood of an Intraday bounce today hence we covered our shorts around 10546 levels ( initiated at 10858 levels last week).

Todays bounce can be termed as a technical bounce. Market was heavily oversold so short covering coupled with value buying lifted the markets. Todays bounce doesn't mean that Nifty is done with the down move as of now. We need to see further strength in Nifty to confirm that. For now our assumption is that its a corrective bounce and surely market can move up another 100-150 points form here but the downtrend should resume again once this corrective move is done. Off course everything will change if Nifty start showing strength in which case we will be forced to change our view. So we need to carefully observe how Nifty movement is shaping going forward and accordingly we will plan our next strategy. Overall today was a good day for our followers as we ended up making a profit of 300+ points in Nifty.

Trading recommendations. We exited shorts initiated at 10858 around 10546 today making  a profit of around 310 Nifty points. Second trade (short) initiated @ 10684 on Friday is still open. for now current strategy is to hold on the balance shorts. If some one is long in market then use this bounce to exit your position.


Nifty Trade Update - 26th Dec

Update 09:43 AM:  Nifty CMP  10558 - Cover 50% of shorts initiated in Trade-1 @ 10858  ( hold balance short 50% of Trade-1 and 100% of trade-2. Will keep updating whenever anything needs to be done)

Update 10:15AM: Nifty CMP 10535  - Cover balance 50% of shorts initiated in Trade-1 @ 10858. Trade-1 closed. Carry Trade-2

Trade-1 covered @ avg price of 10546. Trade 2 is open.

Update 12:30PM: Nifty CMP 10600- Nothing to be done as of now. Hold shorts as told. 

Update 03:25PM: Nifty CMP 10740- Nothing to be done as of now. Hold shorts as told

Nifty is witnessing short covering +value buying from oversold zone that's the reason we booked part profit almost at day low.

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Technical Learning:Extracting Triangles

Extracting Triangle: Extracting triangles are very important pattern, they do not occur very frequently and even the price action which follows once the pattern is complete is not very sharp.
Like all triangles they too have 5 legs can be found in both Bullish and Bearish markets.

Neo wave elliott wave pattern
Extracting Triangles

Important characteristics

As the name suggests, extracting triangle 'extracts' the power of bulls and bears ( depending on what type of triangle it is). This pattern causes 'fatigue' among players and is a 'tiring' pattern. In case of Bearish pattern as you can see Bulls are trying to take market higher but are failing with each attempt. Each direction leg ( i.e up leg) is getting smaller and smaller meaning Bulls are losing their strength, however each falling leg is getting bigger meaning Bears are getting stronger. Once the E leg is done and inspite of all their efforts Bulls realizes that they have failed to take market to new highs, they give up and that's when Bears take over and market goes for a downtrend which can be quite extended at times. Bullish triangles works just the opposite of what we  just discussed. Here Bears keep getting weaker and Bulls keep getting stronger and after E leg is done you see a fresh uptrend


Monday, December 24, 2018

Nifty View: Update for 26th Dec 2018

Near Term Trend:   (Down)

Market Update: Nifty opened slightly in positive territory around 10770 levels but couldn't keep up with selling pressure and succumbed to sub 10700 levels even touched 10650 levels before closing at 10663 (down 80 points). This is the third consecutive day for Nifty where it has posted a lower low and a lower high. Continuous trading below yesterdays day low and the way 10700 has been breached shows that markets trend has now changed to Down. I had mentioned in my previous post that if Nifty start trading below 10700 then all overall trend of market will be change do down and all longs should be exited.

We had initiated shorts around 10860 levels on Friday and have added more shorts today around 10685 levels in second trade. Both trades are still open and will be maintained with a trailing SL

Coming back to Nifty, like we have been saying that entire move from 10K to 10750 is looking like a corrective move. And thing about corrective moves is they end without a warning and when they do its not a pleasant sight for those who believed it to be a trending move.

Overall probably Nifty has taken a U turn now and the corrective move which I have been projecting as a '7 legged diametric' is over and what we are seeing now is a new impulse downward ( Wave-1 of new impulse). we need more evidence and need to observe market carefully for next few days to see if its indeed a new impulsive move which has started downwards. For now Nifty has reacted exactly from where we predicted G wave to end so currently we assume that its over and impulse has begun( unless proven otherwise by market).

There was lot of resilience being shown by Nifty in last few weeks where it was just shrugging off the losses in US markets and was simply marching on. However such Inter market divergence cannot continue for long ( it can last for months though) and sooner or later all market aligns to each other. Going forward we might see Dow recovering and adding on few points( as technically it appears oversold) but Nifty struggling to do that.

Trading recommendation: 2 trades open on short side. 10858 on Friday and 10684 today. Don't leverage excessively short term bounce can come anytime causing panic and wiping out your profits. For now just hold on to your shorts. If someone is long then its time to exit.

Wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Important :Dos & Donts.

Incase you find this blog and the analysis useful & decide to subscribe to our services then please take a note of the below points before you start acting on our recommendations. 
Terms & Conditions

 Dos & Donts -Must follow
  • We can only suggest/advise. Decision to act upon it is entirely yours. Once initiated, the trade is yours and you own it. We cannot be held accountable for any losses you might suffer. All profit and losses are entirely yours.
  • We assume your risk is properly managed at all time and you don’t leverage excessively. 
  • Your trade is personal (consider it like your salary slip or ATM PIN). Details like what have you bought/how much quantity/what price,  never disclose it to anyone (including us). Its your personal data keep it with you only
  • Don't get carried away after seeing 2-3 favorable trades and start leveraging/trading big. Usually that is the time to be cautious. We cannot be right all the times and after a string a right trades its highly likely that next couple of trades will be a wrong so be cautious and preserve your capital.
  • Trading is a disciplined (but at the same time fun) game. If each time you open a trade, the thought of 100-150 point loss is causing you to panic & lose your sleep then you are not trading but playing 'satta'. Our recommendations are not for 'satta' players. If you are one of those then you are at a wrong place. Please do not approach us we cant help.
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Dos & Donts -Good to follow
    We only advise when to buy/sell. What to buy/sell is upto you. FYI- we never recommend buying out of the money call and puts ( doesn’t matter how bearish and bullish we are) we generally recommend the following-
    • Call & put writing ( i.e. when we give buy signal you may write/sell PUTS and similarly when we give sell signals you may write/sell CALLS)
    • Trading nifty futures with call/put writing ( i.e, When we give buy signal you buy Nifty future + sell call similarly when there is a sell signal you sell Nifty + sell Put). You hedge your position while initiating trade
    • Trading Nifty future without hedging i.e, naked trade
    First option is least risky and will give you small profits and losses . 3rd option is most risky and obviously the losses and profits will be bigger in comparison.
  • We measure our performance using 3rd option always.
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